Rights of Caucuses

The members of the Lesbian and Gay Caucus are concerned at views heard around this venue, during the 2003 Disabled Members’ Conference, questioning the appropriateness of the rights of caucuses. In particular the view that caucuses should have no practical function within conference. As Disabled Lesbian and Gay Members we feel offended by these views. […]

Fair Representation

Conference notes the lack of black disabled members in attendance. The number here is even fewer than at the last Conference in 2002. The Black Disabled Members’ Caucus expressed ongoing concerns and now calls upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee to liaise with the National Executive Council to take all necessary measures to ensure that […]

Genetic Testing in the Workplace

Conference is appalled by the response to the recent research conducted by Genewatch UK into employers’ views about the use of genetic testing in the workplace. This research findings showed that despite their poor predictive value, many employers wish to use genetic test results and many research projects are seeking to identify people who are […]

Supporting Disabled Parents

Conference welcomes the research conducted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that showed the common barriers that disabled people face in their role as parents. In particular we are concerned that public services fail to provide: 1)policies and services without consulting or involving disabled parents; 2)accessible advice and information including advocacy and peer support; 3)adequate services […]

Restoration of Earnings Link

Conference notes the intention of the Conservative Party, announced at its Conference in October 2003, to re-introduce the earnings link to state pension increases which they themselves had broken when in government. Conference calls upon the National Executive Council to press the Government, through the UNISON Labour Link, to implement the decision of the Labour […]


In view of the recent Tory promise to restore the link, this Conference requests the National Retired Members’ Committee to urge the National Executive Council to press this Government, via the Labour Link, to do the same.

Taxing of Lump Sum

Conference is opposed to any proposal to tax the lump sum that is paid to widows/widowers in the event of a pensioner dying within five years of retirement. Such lump sums are currently tax-free. Conference requests the National Retired Members’ Committee to ask the National Executive Council to organise a campaign to oppse this proposal […]

Retired Members’ Conference – Administration

Conference is again concerned at the lack of administrative time given to National Retired Members’ Conference in view of the lateness, once again, of receipt of the timetable and attached papers, which did not arrive at most branches until (at the earliest) Wednesday 11 June 2003. Motions were to be submitted by noon on Thursday […]

Compulsory Extension of Working Life

Conference notes the Government statement of July 2003 and proposals to end age discrimination in the workplace and so on. Conference, however, recognises that the statement is also a blatant attempt by the Government to try to resolve the pensions crisis by forcing people to work longer. Conference declares its opposition to any attempt to […]

Appointment to Public Bodies

Conference supports the view that all UNISON disabled members have a fair and equal opportunity to apply for and sit on public bodies, tribunals and public boards. It recognises that the present Nolan Rules can discriminate against working people and more so if they are disabled. Conference also recognises the full useful knowledge and experiences […]

Access at Petrol Stations

A motion was passed at Conference about two years ago, concerning access at petrol stations for disabled people, but no information appears to have been circulated in connection with this issue. Accordingly, Conference instructs the National Disabled Members’ Committee to prepare and circulate to all disabled members, prior to National Disabled Members’ Conference 2004 at […]

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) also known as Myalgic Encephalitis (ME) is a much misunderstood disability, which can best be defined as severe and abnormal fatigue following minor physical or mental exertion. Symptoms may include severe fatigue which is not just feeling tired; sensitivity to light and noise; muscular pains; excessive sweating; severe headaches; sore throat; […]

European Year of the Disabled 2003

Conference is concerned at the lack of UNISON activities to celebrate European Year of the Disabled 2003, both in some regions and particularly, nationally. This is an important event for disabled people and UNISON must be at the forefront of it. Conference agrees that a high profile event should be held nationally to publicise disabled […]

Self-Organised Groups

Conference deplores the action of some UNISON branches using branch rules to discriminate against self-organised groups by preventing them from participating fully in branch activities. Conference calls upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee, in conjunction with other self-organised groups, to liaise with branch disabled officers, equalities officers and other self-organised groups to compile a report […]

Criminal Justice Bill

Where not achieved in the Criminal Justice Bill now going through Parliament or in any current or future legislation of the devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, UNISON will continue to campaign for: 1)disability hate crime to attract the same extra penalty as race hate crime; 2)full access for disabled people to all […]