Conference notes that the people of Colombia have been subjected to neo-conservative governments for the last 20 years which have openly embraced all aspects of the free market with no restrictions on how these operate. In this context there are peace negotiations taking place in Havana between the Colombian Governments and FARC. The real likelihood […]
Conference motions
From title ‘Standing Orders for National Women’s Conference’ Delete all and replace with: 1.APPLICATION OF STANDING ORDERS 1.1These Standing Orders shall apply to all meetings of the National Women’s Conference. 2.STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE 2.1The members of the Standing Orders Committee shall hold office from the end of one National Women’s Conference until the end of […]
Conference believes that since delegates to this Conference are either lone women or groups of women, they face a greater risk to their personal safety than delegates at other conferences. We would like to know that the hotels we are invited to stay in have been checked for access, health and safety; are suitable for […]
No trade union is more committed to fighting poverty than is UNISON. Conference is proud that this is so. But Conference wishes to raise a note of caution. This caution is not intended to cause any less pressure to be brought in regard to making poverty history. But Conference believes that women will continue to […]
Conference welcomes the progress made on the introduction of a single Commission for Equality and Human Rights(CEHR). However Conference is very concerned that there are still no plans to introduce legislation relating to the CEHR’s powers, constitution, terms of reference and details of the various strands and their link to each other. Conference is also […]
Women’s role in society as the main carer makes it difficult for them to participate in UNISON without access to a facilitation service which provides for the full range of caring responsibilities that women undertake. Guidelines for members on the types of facilitation that can be put in place by UNISON, or can be arranged […]