Conference welcomes publication of the UNISON Equality Duty and the positive prospect of equality for all minority groups within the union’s membership, and as women form the majority of this union, disabled women suffer multiple discrimination including low pay. Disabled members along with colleagues from the other self-organising groups have consistently campaigned for not only […]
Conference motions
Conference welcomes the introduction of Equality Reps pilot project and believes that it will be fundamental in raising awareness of the equality duties at branch level. Conference also welcomes the announcement in the Equality Bill of the extension of the promotions of the positive duties to include sexual orientation and gender re-assignment. Conference therefore believes […]
Conference welcomes the Equality Representatives initiative that will enable work to be continued in supporting black disabled members and other members facing multi-discrimination. The Black Disabled Members Caucus welcomes the equality representatives initiative which will further enable UNISON equality work to continue in supporting black and disabled members facing multi-discrimination. We call upon National Disabled […]
Conference notes that one in 20 women experience changes to cervical cells which could lead to cancer and that 900 women die of cervical cancer in England each year. Conference acknowledges that early detection can prevent cervical cancer developing in 75% of cases and that cervical cancer has no symptoms until it is quite advanced […]
Conference notes that HIV/AIDS is an issue for all of UNISON members not just disabled members or LGBT members. However, Conference is aware that there are a number of LGBT members affected by HIV/AIDS – be it living with HIV or knowing someone close to them who is living with HIV. Conference is concerned that […]
This Conference is concerned that Deaf members do not get reasonable adjustments to carry out their work. We need time allowed to organise things such as arrange to get interpreters, deal with invoices, fill in claim forms that should be included in work hours to reduce stressful/frustrated on deaf members. We find that some Deaf […]
Conference recognises the importance of identifying UNISON’s disabled membership and their access needs in order to facilitate the participation of disabled members in their union. The RMS is the main recording, mapping and organising tool of the Union at all levels. At the present time the information stored on the RMS with regard to disability […]
This Conference recognises the great strides made by disabled members self organisation to ensure this union is accessible to disabled members’ participation and involvement and the value of self organisation to help the union meet its rule book commitment to fair representation. We also recognise that much of the Code of Practice that relates to […]
Conference condemns the continuing drive towards further privatisation and fragmentation of social care services but welcomes genuine initiatives to improve standards of care to service users. In this respect the use of personal care budgets as a source of greater independence and control for service users merits investigation. However, Conference views with concern that this […]
This Local Government Service Group reaffirms its opposition to the Government’s academies programme. We note with concern the Government’s plan to increase the number of academies to 400. We believe that this expansion will lead to the increased privatisation marketisation of education and encourage the development of the two tier workforce. The government is putting […]
Conference recognises that the Public Sector Equality Duties are a real opportunity for progress on equality in local government and welcomes the recent UNISON guidance on using the equality duties and the development of UNISON’s own equality scheme. The EOC (now EHRC) Guidance code lists key employment issues that should be considered by public authorities […]
Conference condemns the Government proposed 3 year 2% public sector pay ceiling. With inflation at more than 4% for the past year this is effectively a pay cut and at the same time pay rises in the private sector are running at 3.5% – 4%. Conference also condemns the blatant hypocrisy demonstrated by a majority […]
High quality public services can be delivered through two-tier or unitary local government structures where supported by adequate resources, a fairly paid and properly developed workforce, and a healthy respect and enthusiasm for democratic accountability to the local community. Proposals to create new unitary authorities should therefore be rigorously assessed to evaluate the level and […]