Conference notes the disproportionate attack the governments austerity measures are having on women. Within the public sector workforce; 735,000 women make up 64% of the workforce; public sector job losses and the cuts will impact on them disproportionally, when compared to the effects on men. With unemployment amongst women at a 24 year high, and […]
Conference motions
Conference due to overwhelming cuts in policing, police staff are facing increased pressure due to the reductions in the workforce. Police staff are being disproportionately affected and bearing the full brunt of this governments cuts agenda. With many posts being made redundant this has put an increased pressure on the staff remaining to do more […]
The North West Region are concerned that the current Police and Justice guidance on the use of volunteers is outdated. The Regional Service Group Committee believes that the Service Group Executive needs to review and produce firm guidance to all sectors with reference to the use of volunteers within our workplaces, especially in light of […]
Conference welcomes the progress made for our members nationally who identify themselves as part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) network and also recognises the great achievement that many forces are shown as top 100 employers on the Stonewall index. Conference also welcomes the acceptance that there are several strands to those who […]
Conference it would appear that forces/ employers have made attempts to negotiate withdrawal from our National terms and conditions with the intention of making local arrangements. For many years we have been part of a national agreement and been able to ensure the minimum levels of terms and conditions set through national negotiation. We know […]
Conference is concerned that there is no clear advice for members or the employer on whistle blowing within the Police Service for Police Staff. The Public Information Disclosure Act provides specific protections for those individuals raising matters of concern and an outline process for reporting areas of concern. Conference therefore calls upon the Service Group […]
This conference condemns the policy of the government in its approach to reducing the Police Service of England and Wales. Our members are expected to take on more and more for less. Our Jobs are constantly under threat of redundancy or review which has the effect of driving down the moral and confidence of the […]
November 2012 saw the introduction of Police & Crime Commissioners (PCCs) across England & Wales. Included in the Policing Plan introduced by the PCC for Wiltshire Police, are plans which could eventually see as many as 50% of current Police Staff roles transferring to one of the local councils. The PCC at Wiltshire Police regards […]
Conference congratulates and applauds the actions of branches, branch officers, regions, the Police and Justice Service Group Executive, its committees and staff in opposing privatisation across the Police and Probation Services in 2012. Campaigning against privatisation does work and public opinion is on our side and not on the side of the privateers in government. […]
This Conference welcomes the establishment of the United Nations International Day of the Girl Child, inaugurated this year on October 11 2012, and to be celebrated on October 11 every year thereafter. This Conference fully supports the aims of this event, i.e. to help galvanize worldwide enthusiasm for goals to better girls’ lives, providing an […]
Conference is deeply disappointed that members of the anti-abortion group Abort67 have been found not guilty at Brighton Magistrates Court of public order offences for displaying material that is ‘threatening abusive or insulting’ outside the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) Wistons clinic in Brighton. South East Regional women’s group disagree with this ruling. If a […]
Conference is aware of the growing issue of child poverty. There are 3.6 million children in poverty in the UK today, that’s more than 1 in 4 of our children. Although the issue of child poverty affects working families, 90% of single parent families are women and are therefore more likely to be welfare dependant. […]
Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women in the UK, affecting around 6,800 women. It is the highest gynaecological killer of women in the UK and the fourth most common cause of death from cancer in women, with two out of every three cases of ovarian cancer being diagnosed when the disease […]
Conference notes that despite surrogacy being legal in the United Kingdom the intended parents have few legal rights unless they happen to be male. An intended father can gain shared parental responsibility as soon as the child is born by the child being registered in his name, with him named on the birth certificate as […]
Conference notes UNISON’s proud record on working towards equality both in its internal structures and in its bargaining and campaigning agenda. Conference notes that one of the key strategies for UNISON to achieve equality of representation and engagement within UNISON has been proportionality. Proportionality is defined as “the representation of women and men in fair […]