There is a high proportion of Black workers in the care and support sector. Black workers disproportionately face job losses, downgrading and cuts in hours. In addition to this, care workers working with individuals with learning difficulties and dementia are at a higher risk of suffering from violence and abuse at work. Some of whom […]
Conference motions
Conference is concerned at the continuing pressure to move away from nationally agreed terms and conditions amongst local government employers, including those of our own National Joint Council (NJC). Conference notes that it was our union’s national collective bargaining that established many equality protections long before they were enshrined in law. For example, our predecessor […]
Conference notes with concern that local government pay remains the lowest in the public sector, and that most local government workers are also paid substantially less than their equivalents in the private sector. The real value of average UK pay packets has fallen by 12% since 2010, and for most local government workers the fall […]
Conference reaffirms its view that sector-wide collective bargaining – not Regional or local – is best placed to deliver decent pay and conditions, and equality. It is also the best way to ensure that local government employment reflects our vision for universal and equal public services and deals with the issues arising out of cuts, […]
College members are increasingly connected to fellow education workers in schools, academies, university technical colleges and other provision nearly all of which are in local government branches; many careers professionals are based in schools and colleges. Colleges are sponsoring academies and developing shared services that cut across traditional institutional boundaries. The National Further Education and […]
The Wales Local Government Committee is acutely aware of the increasing pressures placed upon the services that our members provide and that they are living with the dire consequences of the financial stranglehold that the current Con/Dem Government are imposing upon the annual budget settlements .We acknowledge that such draconian funding reductions have been decimating […]
Conference is incensed by the effect of continuing austerity on our members and calls on the Service Group Executive to campaign with regions and branches, across all sector bargaining groups, for the Living Wage to be the minimum spinal column point on their respective pay scales.
Conference notes that our members employed by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and its contractors, work in some of the worst conditions in Europe. They face increasing bullying, harassment and attacks in the workplace, as well as the erosion of their pay and benefits. Conference also notes that the deregulators and industry lobbyists working in […]
Conference notes the massive cuts that youth and community services suffered under the 2010-2015 Government. Conference welcomes the Local Government Service Group’s 2014 ‘Damage’ report, highlighting the scale and impact of those cuts. The publicity that the report attracted shows clearly the breadth of support in the UK for high quality, properly funded youth services. […]
Conference notes with concern the attack libraries and leisure facilities have faced under the coalition government. As budget cuts have hit hard, councils have explored a number of options which have included: dramatically scaling back on library and leisure services, alternative models to deliver services, or closing facilities. Libraries do more than simply loan books; […]
This conference notes that UNISON believes that local authorities will be pushed to breaking point by the latest round of multibillion pound cuts to their funding announced in the last round of the Coalition Government’s spending review. This is despite the communities and local government minister, Kris Hopkins, view that the Government announced what he […]
Conference notes with concern that local government workers pay is falling behind other public and private workers. Many employers are trying to move away from NJC pay and terms and conditions with the result that the NJC could be left to ‘wither on the vine’. The trade unions must take decisive action to prevent its […]
Service Group Conference notes with deep concern the former government’s announcement of plans to turn fire authorities into mutuals. Under the plans, the government would change the law to allow fire authorities to set themselves up as independent social enterprise companies outside the public sector. They would then be contracted to provide geographical fire cover […]
Conference we welcome the opportunity to debate the protocols regarding consultation on any future pay awards within Local Government. Our current procedures ensure that the National Joint Council (NJC) representatives make recommendations on whether any proposals or offers are put to our members. In order to ensure we support our NJC reps, to allow them […]
Conference notes that the 2014 Local Government Conference agreed 10 core principles for revised Local Government Service Group pay consultation procedures. These were: 1)To consult all members in a sector on a final pay offer, once negotiations are deemed to be exhausted by the Sector Committee; or to consult all members in a sector on […]