Conference notes the success of the National Lesbian, Gay, Trans and Bisexual Plus (LGBT+) Committee’s campaign on trans equality, particularly the trans ally training programme. Over 1,000 UNISON members have now been trained, and trans and non-binary members are being trained to deliver the training and reach even more members. Conference reaffirms our commitment to […]
Conference motions
This conference is deeply concerned by the steep rise in hate crime across the United Kingdom (UK) in the last 5 years. Conference welcomes progress made by UNISON over many years in campaigning and negotiating for equality both in and outside of the workplace. Conference is alarmed by the rapid rise in homophobic, bi-phobic, transphobic, […]
Conference considers that organising workers around a common experience is central to our movement. Prejudice and discrimination are deep-rooted, Members who identify as women, Black, disabled, LGBT+, young and retired members have traditionally been under-represented in democratic structures. Our self-organised groups (SOGs) and National Young Members’ Forum (NYMF) and retired members’ committee are essential to […]
Conference notes that in 2022, the national transgender caucus changed its name to the trans, non-binary and gender diverse network to be more inclusive of all gender identities and expression beyond the gender binary. Conference welcomes this more inclusive name for the network. Conference further notes that our non-binary and gender diverse members make a […]
Conference notes that this is the Year of Black Workers. UNISON has an estimated 185,000 Black members. Racial discrimination and unfairness continue to be an every-day experience for Black people at work, and in wider society. Even within our own union and within the self-organised groups (SOGs) there are barriers to Black members achieving their […]
Conference recalls and celebrates the significant work undertaken over the last thirty years by the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Plus (LGBT+) Committee both within UNISON and in collaboration with national and international partners on the issues affecting LGBT+ asylum seekers, refugees, and migrant workers. Conference notes the “Equality and the UK Asylum process” […]
Conference notes conversion therapy that includes medical, psychiatric, psychological, religious, cultural or any other interventions that seek to erase, repress or change the sexual orientation and/or gender identity of a person remains completely permissible under law in the United Kingdom (UK). This is a huge concern. Conference welcomes the motions passed at the 2021 and […]
Conference notes with concern the decision in 2022 by London Pride that the Metropolitan Police could not march at pride in uniform, and the decision in 2023 by Brighton Pride that Kent Police would not be welcome to march this year. However, Conference also notes the Baroness Casey Review into the Metropolitan Police reported “institutional […]
Conference – with the publication of the Casey review, and with the first national Police National Database (PND) vetting of all staff and officers recently completed, the omission of the requirement to declare masonic membership still manages to duck the bullet. All staff and officers have to regularly complete vetting forms and declare membership or […]
Conference notes with concern the decision in 2022 by London Pride that the Metropolitan Police could not march at Pride in uniform, and the decision in 2023 by Brighton Pride that Kent Police would not be welcome to march this year. However, Conference also notes the Baroness Casey Review into the Metropolitan Police reported “institutional […]
Conference notes that on the 7th June 2023 the East of England Probation area signed up to UNISON Eastern Region’s Anti-Racism Charter. Whilst the Probation Service has a comprehensive work plan in relation to actions identified in a joint union employer survey on race, the feedback from members has been that the actions have taken […]
Conference notes that many thousands of people are waiting for life changing and life saving organ donation. Since 1 June 2023, the law around organ donation has changed from an opt-in to an opt-out system. It is hoped that this change will increase the number of organs donated. Whilst the majority of organs used for […]
Evidence has emerged that the Probation Service has spent and continues to spend millions of pounds on agency staff. Whilst it is acknowledged that agency staff are an asset that is vital in managing the work of the service, it is noted that a significant proportion of the money spent on their employment is taken […]
Conference notes that analysis and scrutiny of grievances raised by Police Staff is not currently undertaken by the Service Group Executive (SGE). Conference believes that the SGE should have an overview of key issues raised by police staff through the grievance process to inform the national bargaining agenda. The SGE should have access to data […]
Conference notes the campaigns for a National Care Service in each of the 4 nations and UNISON’s support, in principle, for such a proposal. Local government in Scotland, Wales and England and that any proposals for a National Care Service should respect and build upon this. Conference notes that social care is essentially a community-based […]