Conference welcomes the Supreme Court’s unanimous judgement on 7 July 2010, which overturned the Home Office policy and the approach previously taken by the Courts of returning lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) asylum seekers to their countries of origin on the basis that they would be safe if they remain “discreet” about their sexual orientation. […]
Conference motions
Conference welcomes the three motions passed at Trade Union Congress (TUC) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Conference 2010* on the portrayal of LGBT people in the media. Conference also welcomes the information sheet “Complaining about the media” produced by the National Union of Journalists distributed at TUC LGBT Conference which encourages views to be […]
Conference notes that the introduction of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 was both a milestone piece of equality legislation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people and since its introduction has brought to thousands of LGBT couples who have formed a civil partnership, both legal and public recognition of their relationships. Conference also welcomes […]
Conference welcomes the approval of the Equality Act by Parliament in the last administration. However, conference notes that there are elements of the Act that have yet to be enacted. Conference is concerned that the Government may be less than enthusiastic about enacting the remaining elements. Conference therefore instructs the National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and […]
Conference applauds the National LGBT Committee’s work on human rights which has greatly improved the understanding of human rights based approaches to the delivery of public services within the mainstream union membership as well as amongst LGBT members. Conference welcomes the previous government’s signing of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons […]
Conference notes that whilst National Delegate Conference did not debate Motion 9, which called for a review of self organisation, the National Executive Council (NEC) has included this in their work programme and set up a working party of members of the NEC’s Development and Organisation Committee and chairs (or their nominees) of the national […]
Conference celebrates how self organisation is fundamental and central to the structures and function of UNISON since the creation of the union. However, each year only a small number of branches send members to self organised group (SOG) conferences. A recent survey found that the majority of the 92 branches in the South West region […]
In Rule D.4.5.1 after “level,” add: “representatives of relevant retired members who shall have the right to speak but not to vote,”
Conference believes that the Government’s proposed reforms of the benefits system will have a disproportionate effect on disabled people pushing them further into poverty and notes that many disabled workers are amongst the lowest paid members of the workforce and may rely on benefits to supplement their income and ensure that they have a decent […]
Conference expresses concern over the Government’s proposals to address the deficit by their slash and cut approach to public services, in particularly local government and health. Conference believes the attacks on jobs and services will have a disproportionate effect on disabled, Black and other sectors of the community who are both public service workers and […]
In Rule D.4.6.1 at the end add: “and of relevant retired members who shall have the right to speak but not to vote”
Conference welcomes the progress in equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people under the last Labour government. Notable achievements include the introduction of civil partnership for same sex couples and the Gender Recognition Act, which gives trans people the opportunity to gain legal recognition of their acquired gender. Conference notes that in the […]
Conference is concerned by attempts by the current government to foster a progressive image on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality, while carrying out an unprecedented attack on the rights of LGBT workers and provision for LGBT service users. Conference notes that the devastating impact of this Government’s public sector cuts on women, Black […]
The introduction of the Human Fertilization and Embryology (HFE) bill in 2008 removed the requirement on staff working in fertility clinics to consider the need for a father and replaced it with the need for supportive parenting when considering eligibility for treatment. This seemingly opened the door for lesbian and bisexual women to access publicly […]
Most of us take it for granted that we can organise and meet to discuss work problems, engage in political debate and challenge poor employer practices. Trade unionists in many other countries risk intimidation and even death for active membership in a union. This is all the more dangerous for our LGBT brothers and sisters, […]