An article published in the Independent on 30 September 2016 revealed measures which will be introduced in April 2018 that will result in thousands of pensioners being hit by a new bedroom tax. This is despite the Government’s promise to protect the elderly from the hugely controversial benefit cuts. Pensioners are poised to lose at […]
Conference motions
On 23 June 2016 the “leave” result of the European Referendum was announced. Conference notes that it is expected that the two year process of withdrawal from the EU will be painstakingly negotiated between the UK government and the EU. Currently very little content of the government’s negotiation strategy or timetable has been revealed or […]
Conference notes that modern technology has helped to shrink the world and make communication with those at home and in other countries easier and almost instantaneous. It provides us with opportunities we could never have imagined a few years ago, including in terms of trade union organising. However, it also introduces new and unforeseen risks […]
Conference notes that in June 2016 the United Nation’s (UN) Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights considered the sixth periodic report of the United Kingdom (UK) on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. It found the UK government’s austerity measures and social security reforms were in breach of […]
Conference notes that UNISON was founded on the principles of solidarity and equality. These principles are vital for our union and also vital for a strong society where all can thrive. Conference is concerned about the voice and validation given to division and scapegoating in campaigning around the European Union (EU) referendum. The debate paid […]
Conference welcomes the wealth of policy, good practice, advice and resources that we have built up over the past decades of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organising. These include much policy and good practice in organising, bargaining and campaigning on Black LGBT equality. However, conference notes the continuing challenge of disseminating information and resources, […]
Conference celebrates our union’s rich history of international work and recognises that the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) group has incorporated this into its own work. UNISON continues to raise LGBT issues in the different international forums in which we work and raise trade unionism in all LGBT forums in which we engage. Conference […]
Conference believes UNISON’s championing of public services and public service values has never been more important. Conservative government austerity cuts have left public services reeling, struggling to meet ever rising demand from services users. Service user needs become greater and more complex as they struggle with financial insecurity due to stagnant or falling wages, redundancy […]
That this Conference will be aware of the tragic deaths in custody last year of trans women being held in male prisons. “Vikki Thompson who was aged 21 at the time of her death was being held at Armley jail, a category B men’s prison, and had told friends she would kill herself, if she […]
Conference notes that momentum for the recognition of human rights and equality for people born with intersex bodies (variations of sex characteristics) has increased greatly over the last 2 years. Whilst this has mainly been positive, there continues to be confusion and misunderstanding of what intersex means and a lack of focus on everyday issues, […]
Conference recognises the importance that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) conference has always placed on recruiting new members – both into the union and as activists into our LGBT structures. LGBT members continue to have an important role in that recruitment work. Conference understands that UNISON’s aim to increase participation of underrepresented groups remains […]
Conference notes that of all the main sexual orientation groups, bisexual people are the most invisible and least provided for in terms of dedicated or fully relevant workplace policies or inclusive services. Lack of evidence on bisexual people at work and in using services is both a symptom and a cause of wider bisexual invisibility. […]
Conference welcomes the establishment in June 2015 of the All Parliamentary Party Group (APPG) on Global Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Rights, which “aims to support and enhance LGBT rights around the world and to ensure that the UK, other governments and civil society collectively adopt the most effective policies to champion and protect […]
Conference welcomes progress on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality under the law. Decades of campaigning have won decriminalisation, recognition and positive rights. We look forward to marking the 50th anniversary of partial decriminalisation of male homosexuality in England and Wales by the 1967 Sexual Offences Act. However, conference notes that laws that seem […]
Conference notes that Northern Ireland is the only part of the United Kingdom and the Island of Ireland where same sex couples are not able to access civil marriage. This is despite the most recent Assembly vote where the majority of Members of the Legislative Assembly supported it as well as a Mori poll indicating […]