Young people in care

Conference notes the research commissioned by the Rowntree Foundation (Black Youth on the Margins, Ravinder Barn, 2001). The report noted that about 50,000 children and young people were looked after by local authorities in England in 2000. There was no ethnic monitoring of the young people at this point. However in a study of 6 […]

Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Conference notes that in 2010 the Ugandan newspaper ‘Rolling Stone’ published a list of 100 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people with their pictures set against a headline of ‘Hang Them’. The photograph of David Kato the founder of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SM-UG) featured prominently on the front page. David, whilst actively fighting against […]

Developing Links in Colombia

It is well known that Colombia continues to be the most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist or social movement leader. Between January 2007 and June 2012, 225 trade unionists were murdered for campaigning for their members’ rights and social justice. What is less known by many is that the situation […]

Save legal aid before it is too late

This Conference condemns the cuts implemented to legal aid by this government. Legal aid is the means by which everyone in this country should be able to get access to legal advice and representation. However whole classes of legal aid have been removed that affect the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. Broken Rainbow, […]


Conference recognises the priority that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) self organisation has given, along with the wider union, to recruiting new members and engaging existing members in self-organisation. It is to our credit that not only do we encourage membership and participation in the self-organised groups but we also encourage activists to operate […]

Challenging sexism in the Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender community

Conference notes that because the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community does not exist in a vacuum, sexism looks fairly similar: white men hold power in our community; just as white (straight) men hold the power in the general population. Conference congratulates the National Union of Students (NUS) LGBT conference 2012 for overturning the […]

LGBT workers’ rights – home and away

Conference recognises that, whilst there is still work to be done in improving rights and conditions for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in the United Kingdom, these are still significantly better than those endured by many abroad. Homosexuality is still illegal and punishable in varying degrees in dozens of countries, one of which […]

Language Matters

Conference believes that inclusive language is important in ensuring that all people within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community feel welcome and valued. Conference also believes that language, and our understanding of language, is constantly evolving, and that as LGBT activists we should always be mindful of this. Conference is aware that within […]

HIV Prevention and Early Diagnosis

That this Conference notes that as of June 2013, 131,327 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections have been diagnosed in the UK since the epidemic (pandemic) began in the early 1980s: at least 21,350 are known to have died. The overwhelming majority (>95%) of HIV infections reported over the past 10 years in the UK were […]

Transphobia in the Media

Conference congratulates Conchita Wurst on her Eurovision win and applauds her work in bringing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) issues to an international stage. Conchita Wurst is the drag alter ego of Tom Neuwirth who created the character to “call for tolerance for everything that is different.” It was fantastic to see a […]

Rise of Homophobia Abroad and international LGBT rights

Conference is concerned about the spread of anti-gay legislation in a number of countries and alarmed at the growing cycle of intolerance where the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community are openly targeted and in many cases attacked. The growing evidence easily accessible on social media, for example, in parts of Russia where young […]

Northern Ireland Peace Process

Conference is alarmed at the growing levels of sectarianism and division and continued and escalating violence and intimidation which is destabilising the peace process in Northern Ireland. Conference applauds the public stance taken by the Irish trade union movement currently led in Northern Ireland by UNISON. On the 31st January trade unionists led a public […]

Stop Probation Privatisation

Conference condemns the Tory-led Coalition Government’s plans to split the probation service to create a small national probation agency for England and Wales to manage high risk cases whilst leaving the majority of the work to the private sector. The plans would see the dismantling of the 35 current probation trusts, who will not be […]

Promoting Political Education and Developing Activists

Discussion, debate and learning from one another are both at the heart of trade union education and are central to engaging people in union activity. Debate on the history of trade union struggle and the impact of political and economic change on working people and on women and minority groups in particular has always been […]

An NHS for the Future

With the NHS having celebrated its 65th birthday in 2013, Conference believes it is necessary to reassert its importance as one of the few remaining symbols of social solidarity left in the UK. Conference condemns the government for having subjected the NHS to almost constant attack since it took office in 2010 – whether through […]