Teaching Assistants

Unison has a commitment to the country’s young people. By returning to feudal values and removing the support from the weakest in our society this government has persistently manipulated the oppression of working people and their families into controlled and isolated social groups. These groups are now being used by Tories to propagandise and enhance […]

Disability Awareness training for managers

Conference recognises that there is a lack of disability awareness training for managers and is concerned about the impact this is having on disabled members. There appears to be an increasing lack of understanding of the needs of disabled employees in the workplace leading many employers to fail to make reasonable adjustments. Under the Equality […]

Redundancy, disability leave and disability related sick leave

Conference we are seeing an increasing number of employers including ‘attendance’ in redundancy selection procedures and we are concerned about the impact this has on disabled members and their ability to retain their employment. Under the Equality Act, employers are allowed to use attendance as a selection criterion but must make sure it does not […]

Putting Disability at the Heart of Government

Conference is concerned that the location of the Office for Disability Issues (ODI) and Minister for Disabled People in the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) stigmatises disabled people as workshy, benefit scroungers. It suggests that the only policies that impact on disabled people are those related to benefits, particularly welfare reform. This is not […]

Young, Disabled and Invisible

Conference is concerned that young people starting work for the first time are finding it increasingly difficult to have a learning disability recognised as it is extremely difficult to get a diagnosis. This is almost impossible for young people who may be on the autistic spectrum. Government policy does not provide a service where young […]

From Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Poor, Insolvent and Penniless

Conference recognises that the move from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payments (PIP) is having a devastating impact on disabled people. This Tory led government ignored the concerns of disabled people, unions and other organisations when they began implementing PIP earlier this year. Despite claims that the benefit is to help those in […]


This Conference is increasingly concerned at the number of UNISON members who are being dismissed through capability practices as a result of ill health. Whilst we know that this practice is becoming more common as the Tory led coalition continues to punish the public sector through its austerity measure, we need a clearer picture to […]

Attendance Management

Conference is concerned that in the 21st Century some employers are still using draconian sickness absence polices, policies such as the Bradford Factor which we widely know discriminates against disabled workers. Absence from work due to a disability should be treated differently and distinctly to regular sickness absence, and have a separate agreed policy relating […]

The Care Bill and Disabled People

Conference is concerned that the Care Bill will have a detrimental impact on disabled people who use care services. We condemn the failure of this government to find a long-term sustainable solution to the funding deficit in social care. The Coalition government is introducing a £72,000 cap on the amount individuals will need to pay […]

Welfare Reform and Disabled People

Conference is concerned that the current changes to welfare reform are destroying the lives of disabled people. Disabled people are twice more likely to live in poverty than other citizens, with roughly a third living in poverty at some point in their lives. This is unacceptable and avoidable, but will only get worse with the […]

Alternative to the Bradford Factor

The Bradford Factor or Bradford Formula is used in human resource management as a means of measuring worker absenteeism. The formula’s theory is that short, frequent, and unplanned absences are more disruptive than longer absences.Therefore it is more detrimental to disabled employees, especially those who do not declare or identify as disabled or care for […]

Recognition of the Branch Disability Officer Role

A few years ago the position of Branch Welfare Officer became a rule book position due to the necessity of that role. With the amendment of Rule D.4.2 carried at National Delegate Conference 2013 we believe the role of the Branch Disability Officer has changed and thus the role will become more pro-active within the […]

Disability Hate Crime

Disability hate crime is a criminal offence which is perceived by the victim as action motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s disability or perceived disability. But disability hate crime is too often overlooked and unreported. Even so more than 1700 disability hate crimes were recorded by police in England and Wales […]


This Conference recognises that in this current political climate the Tory-led Coalition Government is systematically eroding the employment and civil rights of disabled people, it is therefore crucial that UNISON ensures activists are fully equipped with the skills and knowledge to assist them in challenging public service cuts and to deal with discrimination cases being […]


This Conference recognises that the Department for Work and Pensions Access to Work Scheme has been vital to many of our disabled members’ reasonable adjustment needs in public service workplaces. An adequate package of support to meet the cost of adjustments can play a significant part in disabled people’s employability, it can affect career prospects […]