Winter Fuel Allowance

Whilst UNISON is generally supportive of the Labour Government, this Conference notes its shock decision that only those in receipt of Pension Credit and other means-tested benefits will qualify for the Winter Fuel Allowance. It is estimated that 10 million pensioners in England alone will lose their right to this annual payment from this autumn […]

Social Care Cap

This Conference notes with dismay this Government’s decision to postpone the Social Care Cost Cap, due to be introduced in October 2025, despite its manifesto commitments towards social care. This would have set a cap on personal care costs of £86,000 but no funding had been allocated. The huge cost of social care for many […]

Don’t take our Winter Fuel Allowance away!

This UNISON Retired Members Conference expresses its concern at the announcement at the end of July 2024, by the Labour Government, that those State Pensioners not entitled to Benefits will no longer get the Winter Fuel Allowance. Many State Pensioners who are members of UNISON, particularly those that gave a lifetime working in low paid […]

End the crisis in delayed hospital discharges!

Conference notes with concern the critical situation facing hospitals, with mounting delays in patient discharges causing a domino effect on the entire healthcare system. This alarming trend impacts hospital admissions, ambulance response times, and ultimately, patient well-being. It is also an issue which particularly affects older people, who are more likely to need extra support […]


Conference notes that, to develop our union, we need new and active members to participate and lead our organisation. This is essential at a time of struggle from 14 years of Tory government austerity which has destroyed community support, rights and the voice of retired people. This development can only happen if it is supported […]

Changes to Local Services

1)This Conference notes that in the Unison U magazine, issue 33 of summer 2024, there are two articles concerned with care. The first is an interview with Wes Streeting, who would become the minister responsible for Care and the NHS in the event of a Labour government. The second talks to carers about their roles […]


This Conference welcomes the Ombudsman’s Report into the impact of the arbitrary change in state pension age and its effect on women born after 6 April 1950. We note the level of compensation recommended by the Ombudsman and while recognising that this does not meet the expectations of many WASPI women it is nevertheless a […]

Public Service Telephone Network

This Conference notes Over the next few years, landline telephone services in the UK will switch to a fully digital network. The existing network, called the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), will be withdrawn. The PSTN is an aging network that is becoming harder and more expensive to maintain. Calls will be carried over the […]

Ethical Care Charter

From the results of the Survey of Unison Members and non Members between June and July 2012 Unison developed the Ethical Care Charter. Its aim is to encourage local authorities to improve provision in the care sector. The way in which care homes were treated during the recent pandemic shows how little they are valued […]

Sharers at National Delegate Conference

Conference notes that, as UNISON rules stand, each Regional Retired Members Committee (RRMC) is entitled to send one representative to National Delegate Conference but may not elect two members to share the delegation. Conference would like RRMCs to be entitled to elect two sharers. It therefore supports an amendment to rule along the following lines: […]


This UNISON Retired Members Conference is concerned that there appears to be a decrease in UNISON members retiring from paid employment, who are seeking to join as Retired Members. This experience has been reported from quite a number of branches recently. This Conference realises that this may be due to one or more of the […]

Equal Pensions for Surviving Spouses and Civil Partners

Conference notes that: 1)Most public service pension schemes pay pensions to widows of male scheme members in respect of contributions since 1972 or, in certain circumstances, 1978; 2)As a result of a Supreme Court decision in 2017, the Walker case, scheme members’ surviving same-sex spouses and civil partners, irrespective of gender, are now treated the […]

Maximising the Contribution of Retired Members in Branches

Conference is concerned that certain phrases in UNISON Rules and the Code of Good Branch Practice may be subject to unduly restrictive application in some branches and may prevent retired members making a contribution. Examples include but may not be confined to: A)Rule D7.5 uses the phrase “may attend and speak … and may vote […]

The desire to be both informed and efficient – help needed

There appears to be a false assumption that the principal post holders of Retired Members Sections such as Chair, Secretary, Treasurer etc have had experience of similar roles prior to retirement. Additionally, that we have a clear understanding of procedures/processes both regionally and nationally or indeed at Conference. This can be a misjudgment; a lack […]

Treating our Members With Dignity and Respect

Police and Justice staff are well established members of our union and have been for decades. Police and Justice members work in very difficult circumstances both protecting the public and enforcing the law. The needs of these members are no different to that of other service groups. These members support our union and act with […]