Root and Branch

With a static or decreasing number of members in our branches we need to review how we organise within the Water, Environment and Transport Service Group (WET). As moves are made to change our branches we need to find a structure that suits us before one is imposed. There seems to be a coordinated effort […]

Training For Branches Who Employ Their Own Staff

Conference notes that more and more branches are likely to consider employing staff such as caseworkers, administrators and organisers to assist with the growing levels of work and the fragmentation of the public sector Conference believes that UNISON branches should be exemplary employers, follow ACAS best practice guidelines and provide good levels of support and […]

Branch Resources Review

Conference welcomes the latest Branch Resources Review. UNISON faces ever increasing challenges provoked by the policies of this Coalition Government. The austerity agenda, with its drive to cut public spending and privatise public services, places major challenges on our organisation to mobilise major national and regional campaigns, as well as support our members in responding […]

Smoking in Customer’s Premises

This Water, Environment and Transport Conference 2014 welcomes legislation banning smoking in workplaces etc. One area that wasn’t addressed however and continues to give our members health and safety concerns is visiting customer’s residential properties whereby the occupiers’ smoke. We call upon the Water, Environment and Transport Executive to produce appropriate guidance which will include […]


Conference notes that the people of Colombia have been subjected to neo-conservative governments for the last 20 years which have openly embraced all aspects of the free market with no restrictions on how these operate. In this context there are peace negotiations taking place in Havana between the Colombian Governments and FARC. The real likelihood […]

Cross-functioning across Clean and Waste Sites.

The latest reorganisations within several of the water companies seem to have turned the clock back and brought clean and waste water operatives working together and cross functioning across sites. This seems to us to be a backward step. The risk of contamination to workers and the public was a major reason why these streams […]


From title ‘Standing Orders for National Women’s Conference’ Delete all and replace with: 1.APPLICATION OF STANDING ORDERS 1.1These Standing Orders shall apply to all meetings of the National Women’s Conference. 2.STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE 2.1The members of the Standing Orders Committee shall hold office from the end of one National Women’s Conference until the end of […]

Safe Hotels at National Women’s Conference

Conference believes that since delegates to this Conference are either lone women or groups of women, they face a greater risk to their personal safety than delegates at other conferences. We would like to know that the hotels we are invited to stay in have been checked for access, health and safety; are suitable for […]

The Face of Poverty is Female: What do Men Do with the Money

No trade union is more committed to fighting poverty than is UNISON. Conference is proud that this is so. But Conference wishes to raise a note of caution. This caution is not intended to cause any less pressure to be brought in regard to making poverty history. But Conference believes that women will continue to […]

Facilitation Services and Support in UNISON

Women’s role in society as the main carer makes it difficult for them to participate in UNISON without access to a facilitation service which provides for the full range of caring responsibilities that women undertake. Guidelines for members on the types of facilitation that can be put in place by UNISON, or can be arranged […]

Defend Council Housing

We welcome the success of the 29 January 2003 lobby for council housing and endorse the six demands put forward to stop privatisation and win investment without strings: 1)end all daylight robbery tax on tenants’ rents; 2)free councils to borrow for investment; 3)return all capital receipts to fund investment in our homes; 4)write-off all Housing […]

Rule C.2.6 Retired Members

C.2.6.1 delete “immediately”. Add new sub-paragraph: “C.2.6.2Persons in paid employment in areas where UNISON does not organise, eligible for retired membership as set out in C.2.6.1, can apply for retired membership when they cease to be in paid employment.” Renumber old sub-paragraph C.2.6.2 to C.2.6.3 and in second sentence delete “only” Add new sub-paragraphs: “C.2.6.4They […]

Fair Representation in Conference Delegations

Conference notes that this is the third year in which the National Executive Council exercising its powers under Rule D.1.3 has required that: 1)branches with three or more conference delegates send at least one low paid delegate and that 2)branches with four or more conference delegates send at least one young delegate. Conference applauds the […]

Regional Cost of Living Supplement

National Delegate Conference reaffirms UNISON’s support for equity of access to high quality public services for all citizens. In particular we oppose any postcode lottery in service provision, which systematically disadvantages citizens in particular geographical areas. Likewise UNISON must oppose any postcode lottery in the living standards of public servants in general and UNISON members […]

Threats to Disabled People’s State Benefits