The recent announcements from police forces within England and Wales regarding job losses are a threat to the membership of this union. The continued practice of cutting Police Staff posts to cover budgetary shortfalls is an outrage to our members and the public. The annual practice of threats to our member’s jobs and livelihoods, not […]
Conference motions
Conferences note with disappointment the omission of Regional representation at this conference by virtue of the constitution of the Police Staff Service Group. This omission only came to light in September 2006 after Regions had registered delegates. The P1 “Appointment of Delegates” Form, included a section for the registration of Regional Delegates and has been […]
Police staff welcome the increased ‘civilianisation’ of roles in the Police Service that workforce modernisation has brought. Less welcome is the inequitable way appointments to these new posts are often handled. On too many occasions the successful ‘candidate’ for a newly civilianised post is the recently retired police officer who carried out that role, pre-retirement. […]
Conference is concerned at the sudden collapse of the Police Force restructuring process. UNISON Police Staff recognise that Home Office plans to address issues identified in “Closing the Gap” were ill-thought out and underfunded. Little consideration was given to the implications of our members future employment and terms and conditions. Forces have been asked to […]
Conference notes with great concern the lack of work done by the Service Group Executive, in campaigning at all levels within the Service, to retain the management and operation of Custody Suites in the Public Sector (Motion 15 Conference 2005) This Conference notes that with the collapse of the restructuring process of Police Forces in […]
Conference recognises with great pride the success of the introduction of Police Community Support Officers within England and Wales. It is a shame that this invaluable work is not recognised by the employer or the Home Office. The Janes’ Police review Community Police Officer of the Year Awards recognises the work of Community Police Officers […]
Conference notes that the Government’s headline statistics for Police Officer strength do not differentiate between those officers in front line roles and those undertaking roles which could be undertaken by Police Staff. As political parties of all persuasions see this crude figure as a campaigning issue, there is a risk that the Government might be […]
This branch of UNISON attended the 2006 TUC May Day Rally held in London which called for Trade Union Rights for 21st Century and workplace justice. As part of the fastest growing service group within UNISON, we were proud to show our solidarity with fellow trade unionists and allies the world over, on this important […]
Conference is alarmed at the growing threat to Police Staff jobs posed by the sharing of Police Control Rooms with other Emergency Services. Workforce Modernisation, Force Restructuring and Regionalisation work on the simple basis of efficiency gains. Therefore Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)liaise with the Home Office to identify the extent and […]
This Conference calls upon the Police Service Group Executive to negotiate through the Police Staff Council a sickness policy that can be introduced in all Police Forces. The current sickness policies used by Police Forces are not deemed suitable or indeed fit for purpose by Police Forces. Most of the policies used by current Police […]
Conference notes with extreme concern the implications of the collapse of the police restructuring process in England and Wales. The collapse was caused by funding difficulties, which should have been resolved at a much earlier stage. This has led to confusion and insecurity for police staff members throughout England and Wales Conference believes that: 1)the […]
Conference notes the many initiatives which are underway in the Service under the heading of workforce modernisation. These can be broadly summed up as changes in the configuration of the workforce to produce more efficient and effective outcomes from the same resources. Examples include the recruitment of PCSOs, further civilianisation and the better use of […]
This Conference supports the UNISON position statement on Force restructuring. It notes that amalgamations are now not likely to proceed in the near future but believes that we must remain vigilant and able to respond to developments and the changing situation. Consequently Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1)consider alternative responses to possible future […]
Conference believes that Police Staff have the right to a reasonable work life balance and to be able to plan their lives accordingly. Shift workers within the Police Service often suffer from poor rostering and forward planning. Often our members are given short notice changes to their shifts because of major planned events, sickness or […]
Conference is dissatisfied with the continued classification of UNISON by our employer and other sections of the police family as a staff association. UNISON is a trade union and as such has statutory rights and status at law. We as trade unionists are proud to be part of the labour movement and are proud of […]