Conference notes that Disabled LGBT+ people face a double burden: discrimination based on both their sexual orientation/gender identity and their disability. This marginalisation within the LGBT+ community happens in a few ways: a) Invisibility: The LGBT+ community often has experiences that are seen as more “typical,” which can exclude disabled people. Events might not be […]
Conference motions
Conference notes that mental health is consistently one of the most pressing issues cited by young workers when surveyed about their experiences of work. A 2022 survey of young UNISON members found that 80% of young workers had experienced a mental health problem in the last year. Similarly, in 2023 the Mental Health charity Unmind […]
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) remains one of the most stigmatised long-term health conditions. Our members living with HIV often face stigma, discrimination, prejudice, bullying and harassment in the workplace, in healthcare settings, and in their daily lives. HIV stigma – negative attitudes and beliefs about people living with or affected […]
Conference is concerned that the current Hate Crime Laws are in disarray, and the recording of crimes that are ‘hate’ motivated is inconsistent. The manufactured culture wars have enabled malicious players to twist the rhetoric to make some groups ‘less deserving’ of protections than others. This has manifested via the latest College of Policing (CoP) […]
Women face low pay at work and low pension in retirement and the gap just doesn’t seem to decrease. The Financial Times reported in September 2023 that hundreds of councils face equal pay claims. Many of the biggest unitary authorities are facing equal pay claims. Women workers are lodging claims because their employers are failing […]
Conference notes that the cost of living crisis across the UK continues. While the rate of inflation has begun to fall, the prices of food, energy and housing continue to increase. Because the prices of essentials are rising faster than other goods, it is the lowest paid who are affected the most by continued inflation. […]
Conference notes the Labour Party’s announcement that it will introduce a distinct negotiating body for school support staff if it wins the 2024 general election. The last Labour Government had begun the process of introducing such a body, but it was abolished by the Coalition Government before it had been established. Conference strongly welcomes this […]
Conference recognises the importance of recruiting and organising young workers within the local government service group. Sustainable recruitment of young workers is essential if UNISON is to maintain a strong and relevant presence within local government. Focusing on recruiting young workers will help UNISON to grow in strength in the coming years. As a trade […]
Domestic abuse affects women of all classes, ages, races and religions as well as lesbian, bisexual and transgender women. Domestic violence can be a particular concern for disabled women. According to researchers, more than one in four women in the UK will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. Abuse can occur in many forms, it […]
Conference notes the findings of UNISON’s report “Expendable Labour” published in November 2023 that found widespread and distressing exploitation of migrant workers in the social care sector. The report found workers exploited by care employers and left exposed by a government that should be protecting them. Given inadequate training, living in poor conditions and threatened […]
This branch has found that in many community workplaces since the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees now opt for complete homeworking or hybrid working (coming into the office two days a week) if they have the option to do so. Furthermore, many charities have closed their offices, forcing their workers to become homeworkers. Many community employers […]
Conference notes that disabled peopled face barriers to employment. 2022 figures show that 53.3% of disabled people were in work compared to 81.9% for non-disabled people. This gives a shocking “disability employment gap” of 28.5%. Although official government figures do not record the employment gap for Deaf native British Sign Language (BSL) users specifically, a […]
Conference notes that prostate can affect more than one in three men over the age of 50. The prostate is a small gland found only in men, trans women, non-binary people who were assigned male at birth and some intersex people, we also note that data shows that African Caribbean people are more likely to […]
Conference believes that Unison needs to be leading the way in helping to resolve the issues that we face as disabled members and making us feel true participants in the workings of our union. Conference notes that: • There are at least 9.8m people with a disability in the UK (source: ONS) • Around 21% […]
This National Disabled Conference notes with concern that the process of applying for Personal Independence Payments (PIPs) continues to be long, arduous and stressful with an unacceptably large number of disabled people still being refused benefit through the PIP process. Conference is further concerned that the staff employed to undertake assessments frequently have little knowledge […]