Conference notes that in 2008 the Government called a national debate on the future of social care which resulted in the publication in July 2009 of a Green Paper “Shaping the Future of Care Together”. The paper sets out options for the future development and funding of social care provision based on the creation of […]
Conference motions
Following the introduction of the Green Paper on Care/Attendance Allowance, Conference calls upon the National Retired Members’ Committee and the National Executive Council to oppose the proposed changes to the way that Attendance Allowance will be paid if the bill is passed. Currently the allowance is a national agreement but the proposals are that the […]
Conference recognises that the personalisation in social care agenda is a major challenge for UNISON. Local authorities are focusing on the roll-out of various forms of ‘cash for care’: direct payments, individual budgets and personal budgets. This shift in the way care is organised and paid for will have huge implications for older people, including […]
Conference notes that an estimated 9 million of the UK’s 11 million pensioners rely on some form of income from savings as an integral part of their income, and that the value of this income has dropped significantly in value amid the economic downturn. Such savings – put aside from income when employed – were […]
Conference regrets that in his March 2009 budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, again failed to increase the basic state pension to at least poverty level. He pledged to raise the basic state pension in 2010 by 2.5%, even if the annual rate of inflation, as measured by the RPI is less. This […]
This Conference notes the publication of the Government’s Green Paper on Care and Support on 14th July 2009. Conference further notes that responses are required by 13th November 2009. Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to ensure that the response of UNISON includes the requirement to make the provision of care both free and […]
Conference is concerned that we continued to be classed as a staff association within certain sections of the police service. UNISON is a Trade Union and as such we should take pride in our heritage, Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to: 1) ensure that the term Trade Union is reflected in all dealings with […]
‘Conference wishes to congratulate the SGE on achieving a successful outcome to the Police Staff Pay claim. The current economic climate continues to put a strain on the finances of our members and their families. The agreement will assist in alleviating some of that hardship in particular for our low paid members. Conference acknowledges that […]
‘Conference notes with concern that the provisions in Section 5 of the Police Staff Council Handbook, covering the right to return to work after childbirth, are no longer fit for purpose in the light of recent trends in employment. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to negotiate with the PSC to update the Handbook in […]
Conference notes with concern the increase in “partnership working” within all of our public services, which is masking the reality of outsourcing, and undermining the excellent value for money service already being provided by our members. Within the Police Service this is steadily increasing, however at the end of February 2009 Cleveland Police announced that […]
Conference welcomes the new structures on bargaining and supports the needs of the union to create a vibrant and flexible organisation that genuinely and effectively reflects the needs of its members, We want to develop our structures so that they are more relevant to our members but part of doing that is to ensure appropriate […]
Conference we believe our members are disadvantaged in some forces, when they elect to work overtime for time in the book instead of for payment. If the member elected to work overtime for pay they would be in receipt of remuneration at either time and half or double time. However when it comes to working […]
This Conference is increasingly concerned about the expanding use of volunteers within Police Forces. We believe that the current economic climate and the impact of stricter budget controls will give Forces an excuse to consider using volunteers in more strategic capacities. Conference recognises this as a significant threat to established Police Staff posts and calls […]
Conference deplores the increasing use of 0870 and 0871 nos by all manner of organisations as the only means of contacting that organisation by phone. Much of the reason for this is the revenue sharing option these numbers offer which allows the organisation to rake in extra money while receiving calls from customers. Most organisations […]
Insert new Standing Order 9 entitled ‘Withdrawals of Motions and Amendments’ 9.1 A motion or amendment which appears on the Final Agenda may not be withdrawn without the consent of the Standing Orders Committee, whose decision shall be reported to Conference. 9.2 If a motion be withdrawn with the consent of the Standing Orders Committee, […]