Conference welcomes the House of Lords Judgement in the Mendoza tenancy case. Conference congratulates the NLGC and the National Officer on the production of “Not Just a Friend” the Best Practice guidance on healthcare for lesbian, gay and bisexual service users and their families. Conference notes that the Cymru/Wales regional lesbian and gay self-organised group […]
Conference motions
In Rule D.4.1.4 delete “lesbian and gay members” and substitute “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members”.
Conference welcomes the passing of the Gender Recognition Act which received Royal Assent on 1 July 2004. Conference notes that it is expected that people will be able to start applying for Gender Recognition Certificates from Spring 2005. Conference recognises that this act will allow transsexual people to obtain recognition of their true gender, which […]
By March 2005, UNISON is required by law to ballot the whole membership on whether or not we continue to have a political fund. The unique structure of the UNISON Political Fund allows members to choose to pay into the fund affiliated to the Labour Party and/or the fund for general political campaigns. Conference deplores […]
Conference believes the UNISON lesbian and gay self-organised group should become a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender self-organised group and that the rules should be changed to facilitate this. Conference is committed to campaigning to win the vote at National Delegate Conference (NDC) in 2005. Conference is disappointed that its resolution to NDC in 2004 […]
This Conference welcomes the introduction of the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003. Conference notes that in the High Court action over the Sexual Orientation regulations, the Judge ruled against the unions on both Regulation 7 (3) Religion and Belief Exemption and Regulation 25 Marriage. However, the judge accepted that a tight interpretation of Regulation […]
This Conference condemns the brutal murder of David Morley in the early hours of 31st October 2004. Conference is committed to the LGBT community being able to live our lives without the fear of violence. Conference congratulates Education Action Challenging Homophobia (EACH) and the Metropolitan Police, Lewisham, for recognising the need of our community to […]
This Conference publicly deplores the horrendous murder of David Morley, aka Sinders, in the early hours of Sunday 31 October, 2004, on London’s South Bank, to what police described as a group of youths. David was a well loved and respected member of London’s lesbian and gay scene, and his murder has touched all of […]
Conference welcomes the work carried out by the Health Group on issues affecting lesbians and gay men but believes that bisexual and transgender issues have not received sufficient prominence. Conference notes, for example, that transgender health workers face particular pressures, especially when working in clinical environments (in both clinical and non-clinical posts). Conference acknowledges therefore […]
Conference welcomes the increased profile of lesbian and gay workplace issues in the work of many parts of our union, while acknowledging that there is still much to be done. Conference recognises that UNISON’s ability to organise, negotiate and campaign effectively on equality issues flows directly from its commitment to self-organisation. Conference notes that since […]
Conference welcomes the Civil Partnership Bill, but believes it falls short of full equality. Conference therefore calls for the following: 1.Both marriage and civil partnership should be available to both same and opposite partners; 2.There should be legal recognition for same and opposite partners who are either unable or unwilling to register or marry; 3.Equality […]
Conference congratulates the North West Region for its support to the production and premier of Arek (a film about holocaust survival). Conference notes that the film omitted to portray the full range of diverse peoples targeted by the holocaust, including trade unionists, lesbians and gay men, Roma people and others. Conference congratulates the City and […]
This conference believes that the Home Secretary’s National Identity Card Initiative is an attack at an individual’s right to privacy and a possible violation of their human rights. Areas of concern include: 1.Recording of a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity, race, colour, or impairments; 2.Recording of a person’s political persuasion or religious beliefs; 3.Medical data […]
Conference welcomes the gains made by UNISON towards winning equality for lesbian and gay workers organised within the local government service group and in the provision of local government services which recognise and meet the needs of lesbian and gay service users. However, Conference acknowledges that there is still much to be done and that […]
Conference notes that, following earlier changes to secure the representation of black workers, in 2001 the Trades Union Congress General Council was further enlarged to include three new sections, H, I and J, representing respectively trades unionists with disabilities, lesbian and gay trades unionists and trades unionists under 27 years of age. In 2002 bisexual […]