Staff are pushed to brink and fed up with unfair pay, says UNISON 

Sara Gorton says NHS staff survey findings send clear message on wages and stress levels

Commenting on the findings from the 2020 NHS ​staff ​survey, UNISON head of health Sara Gorton said:

“The clear message is health workers – including nurses, porters and healthcare assistants – are fed up with unfair pay. The insulting wage rise proposal from the chancellor and prime minister has made this so much worse.

“It’s a major concern that job stress is making NHS staff physically and mentally ill. This has grave and lasting consequences for those affected and for the health service ​too.

“NHS staff have given one hundred per cent during the pandemic. But the government thinks they’re only worth 1%. It’s not good enough​. This is why people ​should show their disapproval ​this evening with a slow hand clap.”

Notes to editors:
– On Thursday evening at 8pm, health unions are urging the public to show support for NHS staff with a slow hand clap demonstrating their displeasure at government proposals for a 1% pay rise. UNISON is calling on the government to give all NHS workers a pay rise of at least £2,000. Health workers are currently in the final year of a three-year deal. They’re due a pay rise in April.
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union, with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors. 

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