Universities must be given extra protection during the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure their financial survival because of their vital contribution to the economy, local communities and crucial medical research, unions are warning the government today (Tuesday).
In a joint letter to higher education minister Michelle Donelan, five unions representing higher education (HE) staff ask for urgent assurances that universities will not be allowed to go under as a result of the outbreak, backed up with legislation.
UNISON, University and College Union (UCU), GMB, Unite and the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) say the sector is too valuable for any institutions to get into financial difficulties and will play a key role in rebuilding the country.
Some universities are the biggest employer in their area and whole communities are reliant on them, the unions say, with the HE sector employing around 750,000 people.
In addition to biological research, their work is key to understanding the impact of the outbreak on society, psychologically and economically.
The letter says: “The higher education sector is vital in addressing this current crisis. University research is central in developing tests for the illness and antibody tests, in tracking Covid-19, in developing vaccines and carrying out medical research.
“A stable and well-resourced higher education sector will be vital in getting through this crisis.
“The university sector is one of the most productive and important parts of the UK economy with international students alone bringing in £7.3 billion each year and the sector as a whole generating £73 billion.
“We are already getting many reports of universities serving notifications of redundancies, and of contractors in universities sending staff home without pay or asking them to use their annual leave.
“It is no overstatement to say that such a response from universities will be disastrous for the individuals concerned and their families as well as for the future of the higher education sector – one of the most important industries in the UK.
UNISON senior national officer for higher education Ruth Levin said: “Universities are one of the UK’s biggest success stories – it’s vital they’re protected.
“Hundreds of thousands of staff, as well as current and future students, need a clear signal the government is taking action.”
UCU head of higher education Paul Bridge said: “We need a clear and coherent plan from the government that guarantees funding and jobs to protect our academic capacity.
“The country can ill afford to throw thousands of teachers, researchers and professional support staff on the dole when education will be a key driver of recovery.”
EIS general secretary Larry Flanagan said: “It is essential that all sectors of education, including our world-renowned university sector, are provided with proper support during the Covid-19 crisis.
“Staff and students alike deserve assurance from the UK government, and indeed from the Scottish government, that our higher education system will be protected.”
GMB national officer Kevin Brandstatter said: “UK universities employ huge numbers of workers, and in many towns and cities are the largest employer.
“The coronavirus pandemic is a grave threat to the sector, with universities not knowing how many students they might have in the autumn and whether any non-UK students will be able to enrol.
“The government must secure the future of the sector, and at the same time give stability and certainty to workers on low-paid insecure contracts by ensuring all university staff are in direct, properly paid and secure employment.”
Unite national officer for education Siobhan Endean said: “Our universities are central to rebuilding our economy post Covid-19 and the government needs to act now to provide the funding it desperately needs.
“The higher education sector is the bedrock for developing the skilled workforce of the future. The economic challenges of rebuilding our industry, a period of fast technological development and the need for strong communities requires that we invest in education. ”
Notes to editors:
– The full letter can be accessed here: https://www.unison.org.uk/content/uploads/2020/04/Joint-union-letter-to-universities-minister.pdf
Media contacts
UNISON – Anthony Barnes M: 07834 864794; E: a.barnes@unison.co.uk
UCU – Dan Ashley M: 07789 518 992; E: dashley@ucu.org.uk
EIS – Brian Cooper M: 07974 715101; E: bcooper@eis.org.uk
GMB – press office M: 07958 156846; E: press.office@gmb.org.uk
Unite – Barckley Sumner M: 07802 329235 E: Barckley.Sumner@unitetheunion.org