UNISON, the union that represents early years inspectors, has welcomed Ofsted’s decision today (Tuesday) to bring the service back in house from April 2017.
Early years inspection was previously contracted to two independent service providers (Tribal and Prospects) that ran the service from 2010. UNISON has been campaigning for the service to be returned to Ofsted.
UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said: “It’s the right decision to bring the inspection service back in house. It will improve the consistency, quality and accountability of early years inspection that was compromised by the transfer to private companies.
“The decision sends an important message that early years inspections are just as important as the inspection of schools for older pupils. With Ofsted directly managing the service, the professional recognition of the 300 early years inspectors will be improved.”
Notes to editors:
– Early years covers children from birth to 5 years of age.
– Around 300 staff are likely to transfer to Ofsted from April 2017
– All UNISON press release can be found at https://www.unison.org.uk/news/media-centre/
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Alan Weaver T: 0207 121 5555 M: 07939 143310 E: a.weaver@unison.co.uk
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Fatima Ayad T: 0207 121 5255 M: 07508 080383 E: f.ayad@unison.co.uk
Sophie Goodchild T: 0207 121 5546 M: 07767 325595 E: s.goodchild@unison.co.uk