​UNISON to ballot further education workers over pay row

UNISON is to ballot further education (FE) workers in England in a row over pay, the union says today (Friday).

The ballot – which will open in the New Year – is in response to the national employers’ zero percent pay offer. Workers involved include technicians, managers, library, catering, cleaning, security and other support staff.

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said: “ Following years of pay restraint, this non-offer by Further Education employers is insulting and is driving workers to take their anger to the picket lines.

“Another year of pay restraint will do nothing to help recruit, retain and motivate staff in the sector. Many will have no choice but look for jobs that pay better.

“There is still time for employers to come back to the negotiating table and come up with a fair pay offer that rewards staff for the hard work theydo.”

UNISON is calling on the employers to re-open pay negotiations in the light of the government’s recent Spending Review which was less harsh on FE funding than predicted.

UNISON will continue to work with other FE unions to seek to achieve an improved offer.

Notes to editors
UNISON represents 25,000 workers in FE colleges in England, around 80 per cent of which are likely to be covered by the ballot.

In the Summer, the FE national employers organisation, the Association of Colleges (AoC), made a national pay offer of zero per cent. The offer allowed for colleges to make their own improved local offers if they wished.

In response, UNISON carried a consultative ballot of members, which overwhelmingly rejected the employers’ offer.

The ballot will cover all those colleges who are members of the AoC and have not made an improved local offer.

UNISON media contacts:
Fatima Ayad T: 0207 121 5255 M: 07508 080383 E: f.ayad@unison.co.uk