What the NHS means to me

Testimonies from health workers, patients, and the public to the NHS

Public say resounding no about blood money

72% do not want blood service to be privatised

NHS goes up for sale on A&E-Bay

The Bill paves the way for the privatisation of the NHS

The great big hospital sell off

Spoof sell of to show dangers lurking in health and social care bill

Lansley plans for NHS fatally flawed

Lib Dems at crossroads over Health Bill

A defence of public libraries – UNISON response

Zadie Smith’s moving tribute to libraries should act as a rallying call

Police report reveals real hit to front line – UNISON response

False claims that cuts will not cause damage are exposed

UNISON all together for the NHS day- Friday 1 April

April 1 will see widespread opposition to Health and Social Care Bill

Trade unions condemn British Waterways’ pensions plans

Unions have put forward alternatives, which British Waterways have consistently ignored.

‘All I can do is beg you not to go this route’

Michael Moore’s impassioned plea on UK healthcare reforms

Gove EMA shambles – UNISON response

Gove must come clean on funding cuts

March heralds May shock for ConDem Government

The march for jobs, justice and growth will be a warning shot to the ConDem Government says UNISON

Sea of purple and green to snake through London on Saturday

March to the sound of brass bands, 4000 trumpets, drummers and a choir

Why should council workers miss out?

UNISON calls on Osborne to give promised £250 pay rise to council workers

Osborne’s ‘no budge’ budget

Budget is a missed opportunity to right Tory economic wrongs