Every week is a busy week for UNISON. And although it’s only Wednesday, we’ve already achieved so much this week.
We’ve pushed the government one step closer to getting more money into the pockets of NHS workers, we’ve supported our CQC members taking strike action in their dispute over pay, and today, our legal team entered the Royal Courts of Justice to challenge the government on their strike-breaking laws.
UNISON members, activists and staff all play their part in making these things happen. A whole team working in partnership to make a huge difference for our members, for public services and society.
But it also relies on the right decisions being taken, on where we put our efforts and resources.
As the leader of UNISON, I work with our National Executive Council (NEC) to make those crucial decisions.
I’m committed to working in partnership with the 67 members that will take up their positions next month. And you have until 19 May to have your say on who should be on the new NEC.
It’s the foundation of our union and the principle on which our rules were built – that by working in partnership we are stronger and can achieve more.
It’s down to you, and all your fellow UNISON members, to put the right people into positions of responsibility in our union. Don’t give away your power by missing your opportunity to vote.
Have your say, make your voice heard.