This November, UNISON is going for growth again.
It’s the third time we’ve run our successful recruitment campaign – Go for Growth – after last November, on the back of becoming the biggest union in the UK, and again this May.
It’s a month of activity building a bigger, better and bolder UNISON.
Because we’re still not content just to be the biggest union in the UK, we want to keep getting bigger – ensuring that even more people get the support, organisation and representation that UNISON provides.
This time we are focussing on retaining members. We want to make sure even more public service workers join us but then stay to enjoy all the benefits we have to offer.
Of course, this year it’s an even busier than usual November with a general election coming next month as well.
But both Go for Growth and the election are closely linked. The bigger we are, the stronger our voice, the more impact we can have in an election that will be crucial for the future of our public service workers and our members.
It’s for times like this that we have been building. This is exactly why we need to be as strong as possible.
And at a time of uncertainty and confusion, recruiting and retaining members should be even easier. We are a strong and stable presence.
This month is a great opportunity to show everyone who’s not already a member of UNISON just what our union is capable of. And, as ever, we have so much to be proud of.
Ours is the union that fights for equal pay and against privatisation. We are the driving force for better public services in all our communities. We celebrate victories – big or small – with our members every day.
So, let’s go for growth again, together, talk to your colleagues today about joining us in UNISON.