UNISON has partnered with the Work Foundation at Lancaster University to research the decisions people make about work and the choices available to them.
There is a survey available for UNISON members to take. The findings will contribute toward UNISON’s wider policy and campaigning, helping the union fight for the right changes and support for members.
The researchers are interested in understanding what factors affect people’s decisions when deciding to take on work and what improvements could make employment fit people’s needs better.
UNISON policy officer Michelle Singleton said: “Real choice in the work we do requires people to feel they have access to everything they need to pursue the job they want.
“We know that flexibility in employment is vital for many of our members but we also know that some members’ choices will be limited by the availability of adequate care for loved ones, lack of flexibility or access to affordable training opportunities.
“We want to know more about how much ‘choice’ our members really have so we can shape our campaign work to press for the changes that would really make a difference for our members.”
Neither participants or their employers will be identifiable in the data or in any publication.
The deadline for participation in the survey is 15 March 2023, and UNISON will publish the results in the late spring.