Join the UNISON and TUC lobby of Parliament to #DemandBetter

Major lobby at Westminster on 2 November will see members speak to MPs about the cost of living crisis and how it is affecting them

We will rise graphic

UNISON is urging activists and members to lobby their MPs next month as part of the Together We Rise campaign.

Working with the TUC and other unions, UNISON is organising a lobby of the Westminster parliament on Wednesday 2 November between 2-6pm.

This will be an opportunity for members to meet their MPs and tell them about the reality of the cost of living crisis and to demand better. Where relevant, it will also be an important opportunity to speak with MPs about current or pending pay disputes.

The TUC will co-ordinate the lobby and arrange the meetings with MPs. However, once you have signed up, UNISON will be in touch with you again, providing briefing and priority campaign messages.

If your workplace is in a different constituency to where you live and you want to meet the MP for where you work, please enter the postcode for your workplace on the sign-up page.

The day will end with a rally at the Westminster Methodist Central Hall at 6-8pm.

In addition to the lobby, there is also a local day of action on Friday 14 October.

This offers members the opportunity to raise cost of living issues with their MPs in their constituencies – or raise the profile of UNISON’s Cost of Living Campaign in their workplace and/or community.

The local day of action isn’t being co-ordinated, but UNISON will provide updates where the union knows that the TUC and/or other unions are organising activities across the UK on that day.

Some local trades councils might use the day to leaflet train stations and might well be in touch through the usual channels.

If it’s not possible to meet with you MP in their constituency – some will not meet campaigners on surgery days – here are some other options branches can consider:

  • having a street stall in a shopping area;
  • stalls in workplaces;
  • a leaflet drop outside workplaces at the start and end of day, and lunchtime;
  • organising a public meeting;
  • sending an open letter to local paper.

Please share your branch’s plans with UNISON, by sending an email to

Materials – including those for Together We Rise – are available to order from UNISON’s online shop.