UNISON police staff members in England and Wales have voted by a margin of nearly two to one to accept the Police Staff Council employers’ pay offer for 1 September 2021 to 31 August to 2023.
The total membership of 30,249 was balloted, with a turnout of 47.2%. Of those who voted, 64% (9,085) voted to accept, with 36% (5,195) opposing.
UNISON’s police staff committee for England and Wales met on 4 May to consider the result and voted unanimously to accept the pay offer.
This was the service group’s first ever digital ballot and turnout was significantly up on previous pay consultations.
The committee said that it was very appreciative of the efforts made by UNISON members, branches, regions and staff to achieve such high voting rates.
UNISON recognises that the cost of living crisis will continue to have a major impact on our members’ living standards and the union will keep up the pressure on the government, police forces and PCCs to do more to improve police staff pay and conditions in the future.
If police officers get a pay rise of more than 3% in September, as part of a one-year pay award, the police staff pay negotiations will re-open to ensure that police staff do not suffer detriment in cash terms to their police officer colleagues.