UNISON has published the draft order of business for its special delegate conference next month.
The continuing effects of the pandemic means that the union’s traditional national delegate conference can’t take place this year.
But the union’s work – and democracy – on behalf of public service workers continues apace, so a one-off, special delegate conference is happening online. And there are important things to discuss.
There are three major themes for all the motions at this special conference – they are around the branch resources review, the impact of COVID-19 on UNISON members, public services and working life and securing an equal and sustainable post-pandemic settlement.
One major motion looks at how the pandemic has changed everything – similar to 1945 and the end of the Second World War – and that as a union, and wider society, we must use this moment to push for a new social and economic settlement … a post-COVID recalibration of society and the world of work.
As the UK’s largest union, UNISON will be leading the debate about what this new settlement means for public services and what working life will look like.
And that debate starts online from 15 to 17 June.
You can find out more about the motions being debates at the special delegate conference in the next issue of activist.
You can read the draft order of business and find out more about UNISON’s special delegate conference here.