The Truth About Zane

photo of Zane Gbangbola

In February 2014 Zane Gbangbola, aged 7, and his mum and dad were taken ill in their Surrey home. Both Kye and Zane suffered cardiac arrest; Zane died and Kye remains paralysed from the waist down. The incident occurred during severe floods, which consumed the area at that time.

Surrey Fire Brigade attended the family home and found a high concentration of deadly Hydrogen Cyanide Gas. It is believed this was leaking from the ground as the house was built on a reclaimed landfill site.

It is so important that we join together to seek justice and truth for Zane and his family. Zane’s cause is winnable. People are increasingly aware of the risks from climate change, flooding, landfill, and their toxic combination.

There are lots of ways people can help the Gbangbola family get justice including pre ordering a copy of Zane’s book ‘TruthAboutZane’ for £20.

Pre-order ‘TruthAboutZane’

You can also help by sharing this video of justice campaigners talking about Zane’s case at the Fire Brigade’s Union.

“Justice delayed is justice denied”

Kye says “justice delayed is justice denied and this has rarely been more apt and poignant when fighting for justice that has been denied to your child. The denial of justice erodes decent people who get disgracefully treated by those in power. UNISON and other supporters bring immense comfort to Nicole and I that we are not alone, despite the dark times”

Watch the BBC report and hear what Kye had to say at the 2020 National Black Members’ Conference.

You can donate to the Truth About Zane campaign here.