Time to be inspired by our LGBT+ award winners

Annual awards recognise work by regional LGBT+ groups that help to promote the union inside and outside the workplace

If it’s the UNISON LGBT+ conference, then it must be time for the annual UNISON LGBT+ recruitment awards!

Sure enough, in Bournemouth this morning, Josie Bird, the union’s president, was on hand to pass out this year’s coveted trophies.

“The presidential team continue to be amazed at how many weekends our LGBT+ members are out and about at Pride and other community events – not only at the huge prides in big cities across our nations that get media coverage, but at local grass root prides in local parks too,” she told delegates.

“Having local branches at these events has not only helped recruit more members, but given them the opportunity to encourage current members to become more active in the branch. It is this type of organising that makes UNISON LGBT+ self-organisation so strong.”

There were special mentions for Scotland regional LGBT+ group and Northern Ireland LGBT+ group.

But this year’s 2019 LGBT+ regional recruitment award went to the South East region (pictured above with Ms Bird), which has not only been working at smaller Pride events, but also with local LGBT+ community groups.

The group has worked hard to encourage the region to develop and promote guidance and best practice for self-organised group positions in branches, not only for LGBT+ officers, but for Black, women’s and disabled members’ officers.

The caucus award this year is for the trans caucus (pictured above). In addition to the events they attended throughout the year, they visited the union’s health conference to promote the model trans policy, held sessions at the branch LGBT+ officers training and at the TUC Yorkshire & Humberside Equalities forum.

The caucus also continues to look at trans policies from various activists and employers, to help make workplaces better for our trans members.

There were, as always, a huge number of photos submitted for the photography award, but the chosen photo was chosen because it’s vibrant, inclusive and makes the point that is always made at this conference – that pride is a protest. It was taken just before Crewe Pride – so the award goes to the North West region (pictured above).