We loved Grovember so much we’re doing it all again! In May. And given we’re avoiding the wordplay and calling it our “Go for Growth” campaign.
If November showed that by acting together we can push our recruitment into growth, May is about developing a sustainable union-wide recruitment and retention plan.
UNISON is aiming to run two or three month-long campaigns each year where branches, regions and the centre focus on recruitment and retention and make sure our union continues to grow and grow stronger.
The Go for Growth campaign will run from 29 April to 2 June to accommodate bank holidays.
Advertising, social media and press coverage will support dynamic ground activity in workplaces and the community by activists and organisers working in partnership.
The union’s regional structures are being asked to specifically consider how to engage all members and potential joiners, not just those who work 9 to 5.
We saw some great “night walks” and breakfast stalls last time around, so if why not give it a go? It’s a great way of showing that UNISON is there for our members whenever and wherever they work.
Regions will be developing campaign plans by 8 April for local branch and workplace activity, and staff at the centre will use these to see where they can directly provide support.
Other key elements will be:
- a UNISON Centre phone bank running in the week beginning 22 April to contact branches about the campaign;
- daily growth stats broken down to individual branch level to all regions;
- staff will use the member contact tool – or MCT – to record workplace visits;
- a limited pilot of MCT for activists will be live in May;
- “welcome calls” to new joiners – if your branch would like to do this, please let the region know to make sure we meet GDPR requirements and are monitoring;
- a dedicated piece of research into leavers’ communications and motivations will be carried out;
- Nearly 80% of our members now join online – don’t forget you can use join online on a tablet or phone or Easy Joiner when you are recruiting in the workplace.