UNISON demands justice for Abdullah Karacan

General secretary writes to Turkish ambassador over murder of trade union leader

General secretary Dave Prentis has called for “a thorough and urgent investigation” into yesterday’s murder of Turkish trade union leader Abdullah Karacan, and the shooting of two of his colleagues.

Mr Karacan, president of the rubber and chemical workers’ union DISK/Lastik-İş, was killed while meeting workers at the Goodyear tyre factory in Adaparzari Turkey. His colleagues, regional president Mustafa Sipahi, and shop steward Osman Bayraktar, were also shot and injured.

In a letter to the Turkish ambassador in London, Mr Prentis called for everyone involved in the shooting to be brought to justice.

He also demanded that the Turkish government make sure trade unionists are free to defend workers without fear.

He also wrote to Arzu Cerkezoglu, general secretary of DISK, to offer her “our deepest condolences and solidarity.”

He added: “Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Abdullah Karacan, the workers who were affected by this devastating crime, and our comrades in Lastik-İş and DISK, at this difficult time.”