Cleaners at Goldsmiths, University of London, are celebrating after a campaign led by UNISON, together with staff and students, has seen the employer confirm that their jobs will be brought back in house.
The 100 cleaners had seen their jobs outsourced to private company ISS a number of years ago, but the trigger for the campaign was August’s decision by the company to restructure shift patterns and reduce shifts. This left some of the workers losing more than £600 pay a month.
The college has confirmed that the move back in house will take six months, and also that the budget for cleaning will be increased and there will be more flexibility around shift patterns.
Regional organiser Vicky Lucioni paid tribute to branch secretary Suzanne Stead, branch chair David Ramsey, and local steward Sheila Faucher for the work they have done.
She also praised the union’s “meaningful partnership” with Goldsmith’s senior management – not least, Andy Lamb in human resources – for realising that they “didn’t want a two-tier workforce”.
The union has also seen a boost to recruitment and the branch has gained two new reps.