The results of the 2017 election for the Labour Link national committee are now available and these members will take office immediately.
Region Candidate elected
Eastern Tracy Grant
East Midlands Gary Ransford
Greater London Andrew Berry
Northern Linda Hobson
North West Patrick McDonagh
Scotland George McIrvine
South East Steve Milford
South West Neil Guild
Wales/Cymru Mark Fisher
West Midlands Katrina Gilman
Yorkshire and Humberside Ken Curran
A full copy of the scrutineer’s report is available to members of UNISON on request. Telephone UNISONdirect on 0800 0 857 857 to obtain a copy. Lines are open 6am – midnight Monday – Friday and 9am – 4pm on Saturdays.
Any query regarding this information or this election should be directed to the member liaison unit at the UNISON Centre. Telephone 020 7121 5399. Fax 020 7121 5196. Email