Glasgow school janitors have won recognition for their work – and a pay rise – after 20 months in dispute.
With the city’s schools due to reopen tomorrow, agreement was reached today to bring an end to the dispute in the city’s nursery, primary and ASL schools that has been running since February 2016 and involved 67 days of strike action.
Under the agreement, all 196 janitors will move up a grade (from 2 to 3) in recognition of the range of tasks they undertake, which will bring an immediate 6% pay rise worth £1,184 a year.
There will also be 35 new senior janitor roles at grade 4. Workers in these jobs will see their pay rise by £4,000 over the next two years.
Overall, the agreement will affect 213, or one janitor for each school, including the filling of 12 current vacancies and the creation of five relief posts.