English sixth form workers accept pay offer

New agreement sees 1% pay rise backdated to September and abolition of three lowest pay rates from 1 January this year


Members working in English sixth form colleges have voted to accept a pay offer which gives them a 1% pay rise from last September, and a new minimum wage of £14,778 a year.

A union consultation saw support staff accept the offer of a 1% increase on all points of the pay scale, and on London and ‘fringe area’ allowances, backdated to 1 September 2016 when the current college year started.

The deal also sees the bottom three points of the pay scale – 10, 11 and 12 – deleted from 1 January this year.

This means that the bottom pay point for sixth form college support staff in England is now spinal point 13 – or £14,778 a year and the equivalent for hourly paid staff.

Employers and unions have also agreed to resume work on looking at wider issues around low pay and the national pay framework for support staff.