Today is about celebrating the Stars in Our Schools – but do you know the stats* behind our school support staff?
896,100 school support staff working in state schools
24,288 state-funded schools (in England)
7,800,000 children (roughly) are being educated in state funded schools, and helped to learn by school support staff
52% of the school workforce are school support staff
387,600 of them are teaching assistants in England
265,886 are catering and maintenance staff
193,094 are other non-classroom based support staff
£12,081 – the average annual salary of a teaching assistant
£16,778 – the average annual salary of a school secretary
£3,353 – the average annual salary of a midday worker
Absolutely loads the different roles school support staff have
They include
- caretakers,
- cleaners,
- school cooks,
- catering assistants,
- lunchtime supervisors,
- admin and finance staff,
- data managers,
- examinations staff,
- school business managers,
- teaching assistants,
- cover supervisors,
- nursery nurses,
- library assistants,
- librarians,
- network managers,
- ICT technicians,
- food technicians,
- science technicians,
- design and technology technicians,
- attendance officers,
- family support advisers,
- learning mentors,
- school crossing patrol officers
- and many more!