A reminder that the Tax Refund Service (Personal Taxation Services) is no longer a UNISON-endorsed service and has been withdrawn from the UNISONPlus membership services and benefits package.
UNISON has been made aware that the company recently sent a direct emailing to UNISON members promoting their services – the email was marked “This email is being sent to you as a client who has made a previous application to The Tax Refund Company” and with an option to unsubscribe.
To avoid confusion, it would be helpful for branches to remind members that The Tax Refund Service (Personal Taxation Services) is not a UNISON-endorsed provider and that the email was sent to them, by the company, as a past client of the service without UNISON’s knowledge.
UNISON is reviewing the need for an endorsed tax review service and in the interim members can be directed to HMRC’s free online service.
A further update will be given in due course.