Following the UNISON in colleges one-day strike over pay on 24 February, UNISON’s further education committee met last week and has put out the following statement:
“The FE & 6th form committee met to discuss the next steps in our pay campaign for 2015/16, following the action taken by members on 24 February.
“The committee noted the decision taken by UCU to take no further action on 2015/16 pay and their call to initiate discussions with UNISON and the other FE uions, to draft an FE England pay claim for 2016/17.
“In the light of this, the FE committee agreed not to take further strike action at this time, but to keep the momentum of the UNISON campaign going and plan further campaigning activities.
“We will also write again to the national employers organisation the AoC and individual colleges who have not yet made an offer to seek to reach a settlement for 2015/16.
“It was agreed that we should respond to the UCU invitation, agreeing to enter into preliminary discussions around the possibility of a future joint claim, and to discuss with the other unions a joint day of campaigning towards the end of April.”