Time for the stars in our schools

Stars in our schools day is fast approaching – tell us which superhero
you’ll be dressing up as

On Friday 27 November – or any time from now to the end of November that fits with school plans – UNISON will be celebrating the Stars in our Schools up and down the UK.

Lots of plans are underway with schools holding awards ceremonies, putting on special assemblies and even dressing up as super heroes. Some schools are asking their local MP and press to join them for the day. UNISON branches are also organising learning events in schools to explain to members and potential members the benefits of being part of UNISON.

This year, we are also running a competition to find your favourite stars. Is there a star in your school who deserves some recognition (and a prize)?

Whether they did one particularly amazing thing or they’re just a star every day, let us know why and they could win £25 M&S vouchers. We’ve got 12 to give to the Stars, and the 12 people who nominate them get one too!

Don’t forget there’s a host of downloadable and sharable graphics for you to use to customise your own materials on the Stars In Our Schools website (StarsInOurSchools.co.uk).

There’s also a colourful handy pdf guide to organising the day.

Make sure you keep in touch with your plans by emailing them to education@unison.co.uk. Send your photos on the day to action@unison.co.uk or via our Twitter or Facebook accounts.

Nominate your favourite star


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Facebook: UNISONinSchools
