Stars in our schools

Join UNISON’s search for the unsung heroes of our schools

A school should be a safe and happy place for children to learn. When it is, it’s often due to the hard work of the tens of thousands of school support staff – from teaching assistants to cooks to admin staff – who strive to make this possible.

And yet many school staff are unsung heroes.

That’s why UNISON is running its third Stars In Our Schools day, to celebrate the contributions of the union’s 250,000 members working as school support staff.

On Friday 27 November – or any time during November that fits with school plans – schools will be holding awards ceremonies, putting on special assemblies and even encouraging staff and pupils to dress up as super heroes. Some schools are asking their local MP and media to join them for the day.

Every head teacher in the country will receive a letter at the start of term about the day. Talk to your local rep or UNISON branch about how you can get involved.

But anyone can sign up for updates, by going to the Stars In Our School website:

You may have children or grandchildren at school, have friends who work in schools, be a school governor or work in a school yourself. Stars in our Schools is a great way to support the amazing work school support staff do.

During last year’s celebrations UNISON spent a day with the support staff of Cleves Primary School in East London. Some of their stories are below, a testament to their commitment, skill, patience and good humour in providing a very special service for a very special school.

We’re looking forward to meeting some new Stars in Our Schools, this November.


The nursery nurse

The special education needs teaching assistant 

The cooks

The site supervisor

The administrator

The school office staff

The classroom teaching assistant

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