Dave Prentis undertook a whirlwind trip to UNISON’s Yorkshire and Humberside region this week after a number of branches and two employers had asked for meetings with him.
Yesterday, he met members of South Yorkshire police branch. They wanted to raise with the general secretary the cuts to their funding – which has been worsened by the costs of having to cover the child sexual exploitation investigation and the Hillsborough Inquiry, both of which are costing millions and for which the force has not received any additional funding.
Mr Prentis also spent an hour meeting the deputy chief constable before giving an interview to the BBC for the Yorkshire part of Politics on Sunday.
Over in Humberside, Mr Prentis did another BBC radio interview, before visiting the Hull and East Yorkshire health branch office.
An interview for the Hull Daily Mail followed, before he went to meet the Humberside Police branch management team.
Today, he headed to meet the director of HR at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust to discuss partnership working and the Trade Union Bill, before more interviews and a joint meeting with Bradford branch committees, followed by meeting the regional leadership team and staff in Leeds.