UNISON is urging all National Probation Service (NPS) and Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC) members to take a two-hour strike on Tuesday 14 July from 8-10am, in support of our campaign for fair pay for all probation workers.
The action comes in response to the last pay offer for the sector – of 0%, with the employers currently stating that the government will not allow them to do anything different.
However, with talks ongoing at ACAS, it is vital that we make as big a show of force as possible with this brief action.
All members are asked to observe the strike by not reporting for work until 10am that day.
Members who are contractually due to start work before 8am are asked to walk out at 8am and return to work at 10am.
Members are invited to join picket lines at NPS and CRC offices to support the action.
Please speak with your local UNISON representative or branch to find out more.