Ballots are to take place for two seats on the national Labour Link committee.
Eastern region
Candidates: Tracy Grant and Ella Vine
Greater London region
Candidates: Andrew Berry and Deirdre Costigan
Voting Eligibility
Only full members and retired members who pay the Labour Link APF levy are eligible to vote in this election.
Members not on the UNISON central membership system on 3 May 2015 will not be eligible to vote in these elections.
Ballot papers
Ballot papers will be sent to members’ home or other notified address. Members will be provided with a pre-paid envelope for the return of the ballot paper to the independent scrutineer. All voting will be by post.
The despatch of ballot papers to individual members will begin on 3 August 2015.
Where members have previously requested (via the RMS) materials in a special format – for instance, in large print – they will automatically receive the ballot pack in that format. Any additional requests should be made to the ballot helpline.
Ballot Helpline
If individual members have not received a paper by 18 August 2015 then they should contact the ballot helpline operated by UNISONdirect on the following telephone number: 0800 0 857 857.
Members with hearing difficulties can use textphone 0800 0 967 968.
Members should endeavour to have their membership number to hand when telephoning.
The latest point at which members can request a ballot paper is 12 noon on 22 September 2015.
Please note that the ballot helpline can only deal with queries from individual members. If branches believe there is a wide-scale problem with receipt of ballot papers amongst their members – for instance, if whole departments or geographical areas have not received ballot papers – then the branch should contact their regional office.
Close of ballot and result
The deadline for receipt of ballot papers by the Independent Scrutineer is 5pm on Friday 25 September 2015.
The result will be available on 13 October 2015 and the successful candidates will take office immediately.
Independent scrutineer and returning officer
The scrutineer and returning officer for this election is Electoral Reform Services, the contact details for which are: Electoral Reform Services The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW. Email Fax 020 8365 7013. Tel 020 8365 8909.
Any complaint about the conduct or fairness of this election must be received no later than 5pm on 2 October 2015. Complaints must be in writing and should enclose any supporting documentation. Complaints should be sent to Electoral Reform Services, The Election Centre, 33 Clarendon Road, London N8 0NW. Email Fax 020 8365 7013.
Any query regarding this information or this election should be directed to the member liaison unit at the UNISON Centre. Telephone 020 7121 5399. Fax 020 7121 5196. Email