Branches are asked to make financial donations and send messages of support to UNISON members currently locked in a bitter dispute with Barnet Council.
More than 200 members employed by the council have taken four days of strike action to date over the outsourcing of council services.
Over the past year huge swathes of the council’s work have been picked up by Capita. These include statutory services such as environmental health and planning, which the council has a legal duty to provide.
The council’s revenue, finance and welfare departments have also been affected, with some services now being run from as far away as the north west of the country. This has resulted in redundancies as well as detrimental changes to the terms and conditions of some staff.
Members have grave concerns about the quality of local services that will be provided if the council pushes ahead with yet more outsourcing. They have taken action because they want to continue to work for the council, and they want the people of Barnet to receive the best possible services.
The dispute is ongoing and some members are now facing financial hardship. Branches are asked to consider making a financial donation in support of the dispute.
Cheques should be made payable to UNISON and sent to the regional office, c/o Helen Chater marked ‘Barnet Dispute’, UNISON, First Floor Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS.
Branches are also encouraged to send messages of support to the members and the branch. These can be sent to the branch