“Palestine: Is your pension fund investing in the occupation?” is a new UNISON campaign pack that provides you with the tools to get your pension fund to put pressure on companies associated with the occupation of Palestine. Parts of the pack are aimed at members in the Local Government Pension Scheme, but most of the arguments will still apply if you are part of another scheme.
Israel’s occupation of Palestine has lasted for almost 50 years. Millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are forced to live in poverty and fear, denied their basic human rights.
The occupation is illegal under international law, but a lot of major companies are associated with it. They supply security equipment for the military, build infrastructure or run factories on occupied land, but they are rarely criticised for their involvement.
Influencing these multinational companies is not easy, but they will listen to their major investors, including our pension funds.
Through our collective strength as UNISON members, we can make sure that our pension funds are exerting pressure through their investments and telling companies to end their involvement with the occupation.
Download the campaign pack and make sure that your pension scheme doesn’t invest in the occupation.
Palestine: Is your pension fund investing in the occupation? [pdf]
More information on the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions campaign, from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign
http://www.palestinecampaign.org/campaign/bds/ (UNISON is not responsible for content on third party websites)
Download a model presentation for branch meetings.
Model presentation for branch meetings [powerpoint]
Your UNISON regional officer will be a crucial source of information and advice when you plan and run your campaign, please make sure you involve them.