New mobile-friendly UNISON website released for testing

Activists invited to test new website design before it is officially launched later this Summer

A new-look UNISON website is now available for testing by activists.

The design of the site has been updated so that it works much better on mobiles and tablets with content reflowing according to the size of your screen.

There are also some changes behind the scenes that should make the site faster and more flexible. And we’ve taken the opportunity to tidy up a few areas of content too.

To get a sneak peek at the site please visit:

The test site will be open until at least 7 July.

Bug reporting

Though the UNISON team has been working hard to find bugs and get them fixed, we’re certain to have missed some. Activists and members can help us by reporting any bugs or problems we’ve missed before we launch the new site officially.

Anyone can report any bugs, content problems or suggest possible features using our online form.

Report a bug or submit a suggestion

Plans for the future

Following this redesign, we’re planning to deliver new features on a regular basis. We welcome any suggestions on features you’d like us to include in the future.