Higher ed members pay consultation closes on 26 June

The consultation with members working in higher education on the employers’ pay offer for this year closes on 26 June.

UNISON national secretary Jon Richards says: “With less than three weeks to go before the end of the consultation we are calling on branches make sure the voices of all members are heard … and on all members to make sure they have their say through the branch consultation.”

The offer is for a 1% pay increase from 1 August 2015 for higher education staff on pay point 9 and above of the national pay spine.

Increases for staff on the lowest points – 1 to 8 – would be between 2.65% and 1.2%, making the lowest point equivalent to the current living wage.

Details of the pay offer

UNISON’s higher education service group executive met yesterday and agreed to consult members across the UK, agreeing that the offer is “the best that can be achieved by negotiation and that any improvement will only be secured by sustained strike action”.

UNISON in education