UNISON is calling on the government to start an urgent programme of building more affordable homes and social housing that people on low incomes can afford.
A recent survey by the Halifax showed that house prices rose 1.6% in March this year, with the annual rate of increase rising slightly to 8.5%.
The increase means that the average house price has risen to £196,142, which is beyond the reach of many, particularly first-time buyers, young people and those who have just started a family.
Increasing the UK’s housing stock would not only ease the pressure in the housing market, but would help boost the economy, provide jobs and tackle the housing crisis.
UNISON’s assistant policy officer Sylvia Jones said: “The government put homeownership at the heart of their election manifesto.
“Tackling the housing crisis and meeting housing need means that they must now focus on measures to boost the supply of all types of housing, including affordable housing and social housing at rents that people on low and middle incomes can afford.
“The government should be making capital funding available to housing associations and local authorities who can play a significant role in building the homes we need.
“Increasing the supply of all types of housing, particularly social housing which is in decline, will widen the housing choice for people as well as lower the costs of housing.”