From April 2015, all new staff starting work in healthcare support roles will be expected to gain the Care Certificate before they can work without direct supervision.
UNISON has continuing concerns about how robust the Care Certificate will be. But we do believe it presents opportunities for UNISON reps to promote the value of high-quality induction training.
To help with that, UNISON has published a comprehensive guide for reps setting out good practice for working in partnership with employers. We want to make the Care Certificate as meaningful and positive as possible for new healthcare assistants and support workers.
The Care Certificate was recommended by the Camilla Cavendish review into health and care support worker training.
Her review was prompted by the Francis Inquiry into Mid-Staffordshire NHS Trust. The certificate that is now in force sets out minimum 15 standards for induction training for healthcare support workers and care workers.
Introducing the Care Certificate – guide for UNISON branches [PDF]
Starting on the Care Certificate? – UNISON leaflet for new support workers [PDF]