Industrial action ballot notices are being issued today (Wednesday) by UNISON to probation employers in England and Wales including the National Probation Service (NPS) and the outsourced Community Rehabilitation Companies.
UNISON is balloting its members because of the employers’ failure to improve their 0 per cent pay ‘offer’ to probation staff for 2014.
Earlier this year, 96 per cent of UNISON members who took part in an internal consultation over the 2014 imposed pay freeze voted to reject it.* In response, the employers put forward a “full and final offer” of a non-consolidated £340 lump sum only for those at the top of their pay band.
UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said: “Probation workers are angry. This will be the fourth year that they have had no pay rise. To treat probation staff in this way is appalling, especially when the government has forced them to endure the shambles of its reforms to the probation service. The economy is recovering and this should be reflected in pay packets.”
“The pay ‘offer’ put forward by employers is an insult to the hard work of probation workers. That is why we are asking our members to vote yes to industrial action.”
UNISON press office: Fatima Ayad T: 0207 121 5255 M: 07508 080383 E:
Notes to editors
UNISON represents 4,300 probation workers in England and Wales.
Details of the 2014 probation staff pay offer:
0 per cent pay increase
A one-off/non-pensionable cash payment for staff at the top of their pay scale,* as follows:
Pay Band 1 £300
Pay Band 2 £300
Pay Band 3 £300
Pay Band 4 £330
Pay Band 5 £345
Pay Band 6 £385
All staff received their contractual entitlement to one increment on their salary scale
*About 20 per cent of the probation workforce are at the top of their pay scale.